HEARING TODAY @ 4pm: there’s still time to provide verbal or written testimony against SB 5770 (it takes away our 1% property tax cap). Help me stop this hurtful bill. I urge EVERYONE to provide testimony. I make it easy.
Thurs, Jan 17, 2024
To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state
(cc’d to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)
From: Tim Eyman
Fighting for Taxpayers for 27 years
Later this afternoon, I’ll be in Olympia to testify in-person against SB 5770 that eliminates our 1% property tax cap.
I need everyone to help me multiply our voices against it.
This is our top priority.
But I also wanted everyone to watch my testimony yesterday in favor of a bill to protect citizens who collect signatures for initiatives:
If that doesn’t work, click here.
Let me know what you think — I want feedback.
But now let’s back to our top priority.
I urge everyone to provide official testimony (in-person, ZOOM, in writing) against SB 5770.
Here’s how to sign up to testify:
1) click on this link here or here: https://app.leg.wa.
2) for Bill Number, type in 5770 and hit enter.
3) Then click on this box:
There will already be a check mark next to SB 5770
4) scan down and click on the type of testimony you’ll provide:
IN-PERSON — click on “I would like to testify in person” — fill out the information and hit “Submit Registration” (join me tomorrow Thurs, Jan 18 @ 3:45pm in hearing room 4 in the Cherberg Building in Olympia)
BY ZOOM — click on “I would like to testify remotely” — fill out the information and hit “Submit Registration” (they’ll email you a link that you’ll log into on Thurs @ 4pm).
Appearance matters — the more professional your clothes, the more seriously they’ll take your testimony (shouldn’t matter, but it does).
IN WRITING — click on “I would like to submit written testimony” — fill out the information and then include your written testimony. Feel free to copy and paste any portion of Saturday’s update (you can access that by clicking here). Then hit “Submit Registration.
Help me stop this horrible bill pushed by the Democrats because it will badly hurt senior citizens & working families.
Is it any wonder that Bully Bob Ferguson is trying so hard to impose a lifetime ban on all my future political activity?
I urge you to support the Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund so Richard can get the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling overturned.
Please make your most generous donation TODAY!
Mail your check to:
Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund
17404 Meridian Ave E #F PMB 176
Puyallup, WA, 98375
Or donate online:
By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By Paypal (donate using PayPal or using a credit/debit card)
Thanks to your prayers, friendship, and support, I’ve been able to keep fighting.
Thank you for being in my corner.
I love you all.
You can call or text me anytime: 509-991-5295
You can email me anytime here: Tim@TimDefense.com
(I can’t access any of my other email addresses — grrr!)
For more details on this, go to: TimDefense.com
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