Help me kill that insane rent control bill (again). I want everyone to send emails to legislators – I make it easy. There’s a critical hearing this Thurs @ 1:30pm. Please provide testimony (in person, ZOOM, or written testimony.
Mon, Feb 19, 2024
To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state
(cc’d to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)
From: Tim Eyman
Fighting for Taxpayers for 27 years
Join me this Thursday in Olympia @ 1:30 pm to testify against the Democrats’ insane rent control bill (Cherberg Building, Hearing Room 4, Senate Ways & Means committee).
The senate rejected a rent control bill that was less extreme than this one.
But the House Democrats pushed through their extreme version and so now we need to aggressively pound on it every way we can.
So let’s start with testimony — the more people testifying against this horrible bill the better.
Here’s how:
Click on this link to sign up to provide testimony against ESHB 2114.
Then look for the green box that reads — Sign up to testify [ Submit written testimony — and then click on it.
ESHB 2114 will automatically be marked.
Below that, choose which way you’d like to provide testimony:
IN PERSON: I would like to testify in person during the hearing
(I’ll be there w/ you — Cherberg Building, Hearing Room 4, Senate Ways & Means committee)
ZOOM: I would like to testify remotely
REGISTER YOUR OPPOSITION: I would like my position noted for the legislative record
WRITTEN TESTIMONY: I would like to submit written testimony
Fill out the rest of the form and submit it.
Now, send emails to all 147 legislators.
I make it easy.
1st email, send it to SENATORS: Copy and paste this into the “To:” line:; matt.
Copy & paste this into the Subject line:
I urge you to oppose all rent control bills, like ESHB 2114. They will INEVITABLY result in fewer housing options making housing even more unaffordable. Don’t pass any rent control bills.
Copy & paste this (or something like this) into the body of the email (tell ’em how you feel):
I urge you to oppose all the rent control bills, like ESHB 2114.
They will INEVITABLY result in fewer housing options making housing even more unaffordable.
Housing is affected by the laws of supply and demand just like any other product or service.
Calling rent control something else doesn’t reduce its’ destructive impact.
The government isn’t telling Amazon and Microsoft to limit their products’ prices.
The government isn’t ordering QFC and Safeway to cap food prices.
The government isn’t ordering public employee unions to impose a ceiling on the dues they charge.
These properties DO NOT belong to the government — they are OWNED by private citizens.
The government should not give it away for free (like Inslee did for 3 years) and the government should never tell property owners how much to charge. It will inevitably result in fewer housing availability and affordability.
Don’t pass any rent control bills, including ESHB 2114.
Do same thing for the House — copy & paste these into the “To” line:; emil
Help me amplify our voices one more time against the Democrats’ destructive rent control bills.
This is THE ONLY REASON Bob Ferguson targeted me and my family:
I urge you to help me fight back against the AG’s abuse of power by donating to the Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund so that Richard Sanders can get this ridiculously unconstitutional ruling overturned.
Mail your check to:
Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund
17404 Meridian Ave E #F PMB 176
Puyallup, WA, 98375
Or donate online:
By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By Paypal (donate using PayPal or using a credit/debit card)
With your help, I will keep fighting for the people across our nation with initiatives, lawsuits, lobbying, and helping elect more freedom-loving elected officials.
And together, we will make sure that the AG’s political persecution of me and my family never happens to anyone else ever again.
I love you all.
Tim Eyman
You can call or text me anytime: 509-991-5295
You can email me anytime:
(I can’t access any of my other email addresses — grrr!)
For more details on this, go to:
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