JOIN ME THIS THURS EVENING IN KENT: I’m honored to speak @ the 47th District GOP monthly meeting – register here. Also please watch this 70 second clip. 

Tues, July 16, 2024

To: Our thousands of supporters across the state

From: Tim Eyman
Fighting for Taxpayers for 27 years

I hope, like me, you will trek to the American Legion Hall in Kent this Thursday evening.

I’m honored that they’ve invited me to speak there.

All are welcome to attend (even if you’re not in the 47th district and even if you’re not a Republican).

DETAILS: this Thurs, July 18th, 6:30-8:30pm, American Legion Hall, 25405 97th Place South, Kent. Click here to register (suggested attendance fee is just $10).

I urge you to watch this 70 second video clip where I explain the evil that Bob Ferguson has inflicted on me, Karen, my kids, my relatives, and others who are close to me.

If that doesn’t work, click here to watch it.

That same message about Bob Ferguson — a vindictive, insecure, little weasel — will also be shared with everyone this Thursday.

The organizers of Thursday’s meeting sent out an email that read in part:

“At this month’s meeting, in addition to a couple of VIP candidates, I’m pleased to announce you will also hear from conservative activist Tim Eyman.

Tim was a forerunner who recognized the power of the citizen’s initiative process decades ago. Remember all those initiatives that lowered car tabs (yes, they’re not $30 but they’re a heckuvalot lower than they used to be!). That was Tim Eyman.

Over the past 27 years, he has qualified 17 statewide initiatives. To date, they’ve saved taxpayers over $65 billion

He has been a relentless advocate for conservative policies and values in spite of great personal attacks. Liberals do not like him. 

AG Bob Ferguson has spent more taxpayer money trying to destroy Tim – designating him a PAC, not a person – than all other campaign cases in the last 12 years COMBINED!”

Please forward this far & wide to your family, friends, and co-workers. Let’s pack the place – the more the merrier!

— END —

I believe it is critical for me to share my story because it exposes the evil of Bob Ferguson. 

After 12 years of investigation and litigation resulting in the AG taking my house and draining all my bank accounts, he didn’t stop.

He then went after Karen, my kids, and my relatives.

It’s pure evil.

With the brilliant legal assistance of Richard Sanders, I am appealing the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling because it’s so absurd:

I urge you to help me fight back against the AG’s abuse of power by donating to the Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund RIGHT NOW!

Mail your check to:
Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund
17404 Meridian Ave E #F PMB 176
Puyallup, WA, 98375

Or donate online:
 GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By Paypal (donate using PayPal or using a credit/debit card)

With your help, I will keep fighting for the people across our nation with initiatives, lawsuits, lobbying, and helping elect more freedom-loving elected officials.

I love you all.


Tim Eyman

You can call or text me anytime: 509-991-5295

You can email me anytime:
(I can’t access any of my other email addresses — grrr!)

For more details on this, go to: