Tuesday was amazing. Read this report about my whirlwind tour of my hometown of Yakima — learn about my time at Walmart with volunteers collecting signatures and my testimony at the Yakima City Council meeting where I confronted the mayor for abusing her power.


Best part: Jim Walsh’s 6 initiatives now getting NA, state, & local coverage. 

Thurs, Sept 19, 2023

To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state

(cc’d to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)

From: Tim Eyman

Fighting for Taxpayers for 26 years

This story keeps getting BIGGER & BIGGER.

Here’s my report.

On Sunday, I announced that the mayor of my hometown of Yakima went bonkers (you can re-read it here).

In that same update, I said I’d be trekking over to Yakima on Tuesday to help collect signatures for Jim Walsh’s 6 initiatives at Yakima’s Walmart and then attend the city council meeting that night and confront the mayor for her abuse of power.

The biggest TV station in Yakima – KIMA – did a big story on it and aired it on Monday. You can watch it here (click on the image):

“I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this is an abuse of power. I mean, it is literally a federal felony to interfere with people’s basic civil rights and people exercising free speech in Yakima is legal,” Eyman said.

The Yakima Herald Republic ran a huge story on it and not only talked about the mayor’s wackadoodle actions, but they listed all of Jim Walsh’s 6 initiatives and named the group pushing them (Let’s Go Washington)

KIT radio did a huge story on it and their story is included in Monday’s update (you can re-read it here).

Then before leaving for Yakima, I highlighted that the mayor’s left-wing wacko political mentor was the person who told her to call 911 on the “far right petitioners” at Walmart (you can re-read it here). KIT radio did a huge story on it and their story is included in that update.

As I drove to Yakima, I did a 7 minute interview with radio superstar Jason Rantz (you can read about it here) and we talked a lot about Jim Walsh’s initiatives.


You can read their story here. Last time I checked there has been over 6300 comments!

I then spent the next 2 hours collecting signatures for Jim Walsh’s initiatives at Walmart.

So many fantastic people came by and some even said: is this where I can sign those ‘far right petitions’ our mayor is complaining about”?

Everyone was having a great time, laughing and joking about the mayor’s absurdity.

Fellow West Valley High School graduate:

Bob read in the Herald that I was gonna be there so he stopped by to meet me. Great guy.

There was just an incredible amount of activity at the table the whole time I was there.

We literally got hundreds of signatures during that time.

After a couple of hours, I had to leave to hurry over to City Hall so I could sign up to testify.

Here’s a picture just before the meeting started:

While the council did their thing, I worked on my remarks.

And here’s how that went (You can watch it here):

After the meeting was over, I was so happy that some of the folks who testified against the mayor stuck around:

Totally love Stan (gotta love the shirt!):

Benjamin was a total rock star:

Cyndie is a small business owner and she wonders if they’ll be able to keep their doors open with all this craziness going on in Yakima:

Benine was both at Walmart and she also testified at the City Council meeting — she’s “all in”:

Later that night, the confrontation with the mayor was the lead news story on KIMA TV:

And the Yakima Herald is doing a huge story on it and it’ll be published in Friday’s paper.

And I heard today that superstar initiative supporter Brian Heywood is going on FOX NEWS to talk about all this!


And what’s the best part?

Jim Walsh’s 6 initiatives are getting national, state, & local coverage.

Is it any wonder Bob Ferguson is trying so hard to impose a lifetime ban on all my future political activity?

Every day you help me fight back is another day Ferguson failed.

Richard Sanders is committed to getting the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling overturned so we can make sure what Bob Ferguson has been doing to me and my family never happens to anyone else ever again.

Please donate TODAY.

Mail your check to:

Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 17404 Meridian Ave E #F PMB 176, Puyallup, WA, 98375

Or donate online:

By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
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I love you all.


Tim Eyman

You can call or text me anytime: 509-991-5295

You can email me anytime here: Tim@TimDefense.com

(I can’t access any of my other email addresses — grrr!)

For more details on this, go to: TimDefense.com