RIGHT NOW: mail in or drop off ALL PETITIONS for Jim Walsh’s 6 initiatives, especially I-2124. This Friday is last day for Jim to submit them. 

Trick question: how many voter signatures are on the Initiative 2124 petitions in the above photograph?

Zero if they don’t get turned in by Jim on Friday.

Tues, Dec 26, 2023

To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state
(cc’d to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)

From: Tim Eyman
Fighting for Taxpayers for 26 years

RIGHT NOW, mail in or drop off ALL PARTIALLY FILLED OR FULLY FILLED PETITIONS for any of Jim Walsh’s 6 initiatives. 

Mail ’em in:

Let’s Go WA
16625 Redmond Way #M PMB 18
Redmond, WA, 98052

Or turn ’em in at one of the drop off locations (click here to find a location near you).

Jim has already turned in more than enough to qualify 5 of his initiatives but the more of those that get turned in by Friday, the better.

Take a look at this massive stack of petitions for I-2124, the last remaining initiative that Jim is working feverishly to qualify:

(Trick) QUESTION: how many voter signatures are pictured above?

ANSWER: Zero if they don’t get turned in by Friday!

So mail ’em in TODAY or drop off your petitions at any of the drop-off locations no later than Thursday (sooner the better so that Jim & his team have the time to get them scanned, processed, and prepped).

What does Initiative 2124 do?

It empowers every worker in Washington state to choose whether or not they want this government program or not.

Overt dishonesty is the only reason this ever became law in the first place.

Inslee exempted his powerful union friends from being forced to pay into this scam program.

The INITIAL RATE of this new payroll tax was actuarily unsustainable on day 1 (the costs far outweighed its benefits).

So the tax rate MUST BE radically increased just to pay for the paltry benefit it currently offers.

And who will decide how much higher the rate has to be raised to make it sustainable?

Unelected bureaucrats who are totally unaccountable to the people.

Under Initiative 2124, every Washington worker will be treated like a private sector customer — the government will have to PERSUADE, NOT COERCE each worker to sign up. 

There are literally thousands of petitions “in circulation” for this initiative — meaning petitions for 2124 are “out there”. 

None of those signatures will count unless they’re turned into the Secretary of State.

And the only person who can turn them in is the initiative’s sponsor Jim Walsh.


Thanks to your prayers, your friendship, your support, I’ve been able to keep fighting.

I urge you to support the Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund so Richard can get the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling overturned.

Every time you help me is another chance for you to make sure Bob Ferguson fails to stop us! 

I urge you to send in your most generous donation TODAY!

Mail your check to: 

Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund
17404 Meridian Ave E #F PMB 176
Puyallup, WA, 98375

Or donate online:

By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By Paypal (donate using PayPal or using a credit/debit card)

I love you all.



You can call or text me anytime: 509-991-5295

You can email me anytime here: Tim@TimDefense.com
(I can’t access any of my other email addresses — grrr!)

For more details on this, go to: TimDefense.com