Tell all 147 legislators: “Until get rid of Inslee’s Capital Gains Income Tax & his dishonest Cap&Tax Scheme, Don’t Even Think About Raising Taxes – we’re overtaxed already!” I’m testifying in person in Olympia this Wed at 10:30am. Back me up by sending ’em emails TODAY! I’ve made it easy.

Mon, Jan 8, 2024 

To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state
(cc’d to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)

From: Tim Eyman

Fighting for Taxpayers for 26 years

Today is the first day of this year’s legislative session in Olympia.

So we all need to tell them what we feel about them raising taxes.

They’ve already scheduled a public hearing THIS COMING WEDNESDAY on a Democrat bill making it easier to raise property taxes (SJR 8207). It’s being heard in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education committee on Wed, Jan 10, at 10:30am in the Cherberg Building.

I’ll be there in-person testifying against it.

I urge all of you to back me up by sending all 147 legislators an email RIGHT NOW telling them you oppose this bill.

There’s no decision that government makes that has a greater impact on our lives than when they take more of our money.

For 27 years, voters have repeatedly expressed their strong desire to limit taxes.

They voted 6 times for the 2/3-legislative-vote-for-tax-increases-requirement.

But that protection was taken away from us.

Before that, voters demanded voter approval for any tax increase.

That protection was also taken away from us.

And our vote for $30 Tabs was taken away because they said the voters “were confused”.

And now, thanks to Jim Walsh and thousands of heroic citizens like you, this November the voters are poised to kill off Inslee’s Capital Gains Income Tax, his dishonest Cap-And-Tax Scheme, his Payroll Tax, and prohibit state and local governments from imposing ANY KIND of income tax (as well as re-empower police to chase the bad guys and ensure that parents are informed about what’s happening to their kids at school).

Let’s send all 147 legislators an avalanche of email messages.

Send 2 separate emails: one to Senate and one to the House.

Copy and paste into the Subject line:
Until we get rid of Inslee’s Capital Gains Income Tax and his dishonest Cap & Trade Scheme, Don’t Even Think About Raising Taxes. Property taxes are ALREADY way too high — the last thing I want is for you to jack ’em up EVEN HIGHER. Oppose SJR 8207.

SENATORS: Copy and paste into the “To:” line:

HOUSE MEMBERS: Copy & paste into the “To” line: 
peter.abbarno@leg.wa.govemily.alvarado@leg.wa.govandrew.barkis@leg.wa.govstephanie.barnard@leg.wa.govjessica.bateman@leg.wa.govapril.berg@leg.wa.govsteve.bergquist@leg.wa.govliz.berry@leg.wa.govdan.bronoske@leg.wa.govmichelle.caldier@leg.wa.govlisa.callan@leg.wa.govkelly.chambers@leg.wa.govbruce.chandler@leg.wa.govmike.chapman@leg.wa.govgreg.chaney@leg.wa.govfrank.chopp@leg.wa.govleonard.christian@leg.wa.govapril.connors@leg.wa.govchris.corry@leg.wa.govjulio.cortes@leg.wa.govtravis.couture@leg.wa.govlauren.davis@leg.wa.govtom.dent@leg.wa.govbeth.doglio@leg.wa.govbrandy.donaghy@leg.wa.govdavina.duerr@leg.wa.govmary.dye@leg.wa.govdebra.entenman@leg.wa.govcarolyn.eslick@leg.wa.govdarya.farivar@leg.wa.govjake.fey@leg.wa.govj;  laurie.jinkins@leg.wa.govmark.klicker@leg.wa.govshelley.kloba@leg.wa.govjoel.kretz@leg.wa.govmari.leavitt@leg.wa.govdebra.lekanoff@leg.wa.govsam.low@leg.wa.govnicole.macri@leg.wa.govjacquelin.maycumber@leg.wa.govstephanie.mcclintock@leg.wa.govjoel.mcentire@leg.wa.govsharlett.mena@leg.wa.govmelanie.morgan@leg.wa.govgina.mosbrucker@leg.wa.govgreg.nance@leg.wa.goved.orcutt@leg.wa.govtimm.ormsby@leg.wa.govlillian.ortiz-self@leg.wa.govtina.orwall@leg.wa.govdave.paul@leg.wa.govstrom.peterson@leg.wa.govgerry.pollet@leg.wa.govalex.ramel@leg.wa.govbill.ramos

What should you write in the body of your email?

Just imagine you’re standing at a podium giving a speech to all 147 legislators. Tell ’em how you feel about them raising taxes. Tell them to oppose SJR 8207.

SEND YOUR EMAIL RIGHT AWAY (if you have problems, let me know, I’ll help).

Is it any wonder that Bully Bob Ferguson is trying so hard to impose a lifetime ban on all my future political activity? 

Last year when the AG took my house and drained all my bank accounts, things for me and my family shifted from REALLY WANTING help to DESPERATELY NEEDING it.

I urge you to help me survive this political persecution by donating to the Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund so that Richard Sanders can get the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling overturned so this never happens to anyone else.

Mail your check to: 
Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund
17404 Meridian Ave E #F PMB 176
Puyallup, WA, 98375

Or donate online:
By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By Paypal (donate using PayPal or using a credit/debit card)

With your help, I will keep fighting for the people across our nation with initiatives, lawsuits, lobbying, and helping elect more freedom-loving elected officials.

I love you all.


Tim Eyman

You can call or text me anytime: 509-991-5295

You can email me anytime here:
(I can’t access any of my other email addresses — grrr!)

For more details on this, go to: