VICTORY: after my testimony yesterday, 6 of 9 Seattle City Council members vote no on income tax.

Fri, Nov 22, 2024

To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state
(cc’d to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)

From: Tim Eyman
Fighting for taxpayers for 27 years

I got there an hour early.

No one else was there yet.

So I waited by the entrance to council chambers so when they opened it up, I was able to sign in first.

So I got to testify first. 

I was the only one there to testify against this new tax on personal income.

I’ll share the video as soon as a clip is made.

But it’s pretty obvious what my message was.

After my testimony was over, they debated it.

FINAL VOTE: 6 of 9 Seattle City Council members voted no.

3 voted yes.


I spent my 2 minutes hammering on the fact that state law now makes such a tax illegal.

It’s a very exciting victory.


I’m about to leave now to testify in-person and urge you to join me (must check-in before 8:50am). 

To watch it on ZOOM, click here

I don’t know anyone who supports empowering the Attorney General to investigate and interrogate (in private) anyone he and/or his commission wants him to.

I ask for your prayers and positive vibes as we fight these fights. 


Is it any wonder why Bully Bob Ferguson is trying so hard to impose a lifetime ban on all my future political activity?

With the expert legal assistance of Richard Sanders, I am appealing the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling because it’s so absurd:

* Lifetime ban on all future political activity?
* I’m no longer a person, I’m forever designated a ‘continuing political committee’?
* $5.5 million?
* Prohibiting me from earning money for the rest of my life?

I urge you to help me fight back against the AG’s abuse of power by donating to the Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund RIGHT NOW!

Mail your check to:
Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund
17404 Meridian Ave E #F PMB 176
Puyallup, WA, 98375

Or donate online:
 GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By Paypal (donate using PayPal or using a credit/debit card)

With your help, I will keep fighting for the people across our nation with initiatives, lawsuits, lobbying, and helping elect more freedom-loving elected officials.

I love you all.


Tim Eyman

You can call or text me anytime: 509-991-5295

You can email me anytime:
(I can’t access any of my other email addresses — grrr!)

For more details on this, go to: