On Tuesday morning on Valentine’s Day, I trekked down to Olympia to rip into the Democrats’ Holy Grail: a huge new tax on a person’s “worldwide wealth” (I called it the “covet” bill) that must be paid EVERY YEAR! 

I also tore into their bill to make our state’s already highest-in-the nation Death Tax even bigger.

With both bills, the government is taking money from the people who earned it so they can give it to the people who didn’t earn it. 

And I also took the time to testify against the pay-off bills (where the Democrat chair said it was “glorious” and “fantastic” to be giving away all this new money).

Watch ’em all — I think you’ll like ’em.

Thurs, Feb 16, 2023

To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state
(cc’d to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)

From: Tim Eyman, Fighting for Taxpayers for 26 years

With traffic, it was hard to get to Olympia for yesterday’s 8:00 am hearing.

But I made it:

As I walked up to the building where the hearings are conducted, I took off my coat and “stickered up” (always on message) and headed on in:

The hearing room was packed full of angry, envious vultures desperately trying to get the Democrats to take money from the people who earned it so that the jealous vultures can get that money instead (even though they didn’t have to work for it or earn it).

If you’re really committed, you can watch this one video that COMBINES all 4 times I testified against all of the Democrats’ covet bills (click on the image to watch them):

If that doesn’t work, click here to watch them.

To watch each testimony individually, here they are: the BIGGIE was toward the end. Here’s my brief testimony against the Democrats’ new “Worldwide Wealth Tax” that must be paid on the value of everything you own in the world EVERY YEAR:

And here’s my brief testimony against the Democrats’ huge increase in our state’s already highest-in-the-nation Death Tax:

The Democrats then moved on to the pay-off bills — the ones where they give your money to those in the room.

Here’s my brief testimony against the Democrats’ mailing checks to renters to buy votes:

And finally, here’s my brief testimony against the Democrats’ buying off opponents: 

Over and over again, I tried to hammer home to the same point:

It’s a constant battle to get legislators’ to pay attention — they’re accustomed to hearing soothing, calm voices from the usual suspects whose words are like opium.

So when I’m testifying, it must be bold and unvarnished.

And it has to be controlled and disciplined.

It’s a tough balance.

But what helps tremendously is to have all of you — our thousands of supporters across the state — emailing legislators, submitting written testimony, and ZOOM testifying so that they know BEYOND ANY DOUBT that we, the people, oppose these specific bills and the Democrats’ overall socialist agenda.

Thank you to everyone who helped out on these bills so that our combined voices have a chance of breaking through the legislative fog of Olympia.

Is it any wonder that Bully Bob Ferguson is trying so hard to impose a lifetime ban on all my future political activity?

I really need your help to survive Bully Bob Ferguson’s litigation and persecution of me and my family.

The only reason we’re still here is thanks to the heartfelt prayers and generous support from friends like you.

Please donate to my legal defense fund today (see below).

Last August, when the AG took my house and drained all my bank accounts (I was allowed to keep $1500), things for me and my family shifted from REALLY WANTING help to DESPERATELY NEEDING help.

I urge you to help me survive this political persecution by donating to my legal defense fund so that Richard Sanders can get the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling overturned so this never happens to anyone else.

Mail your check to: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By Paypal
By PayPal (credit/debit card) 

With your help, I will keep fighting for the people across our nation with initiatives, lawsuits, lobbying, and helping elect more freedom-loving elected officials.

I love you all.


Tim Eyman

You can call or text me anytime: 509-991-5295

You can email me anytime here: Tim@TimDefense.com
(I can’t access any of my other email addresses — grrr!)

For more details on this, go to: TimDefense.com